Texas Czech Genealogical Society
Texas Czech genealogical Society

Czechs in Uniform

Czechs in Uniform is a series of three books published by The Texas Czech Genealogical Society. Members submitted information and stories about their family members who had served in the Military.  This project was met with enthusiastic and overwhelming response!!!
Featured below is an example of one of the entries.
Below the Example is a PDF database of Czech Veterans listed in all three-volumes of TCGS books, Czechs In Uniform.
While we know there may be duplicates, the names appear as they are throughout the pages of the books.  In some cases we were almost certain the Veteran in one volume is the same as in another, but in other instances, we were not.  Not wanting to eliminate any Veteran, the decision was made to list all and let the researcher determine if the Veteran is indeed the same person.
Hardback copies of the books are available for sale at the store section of this website.